Corinn Singletary » PDO Threads

PDO Threads

If you’re looking for a non-surgical solution to sagging skin and wrinkles, our PDO Threads treatment is just what you need!

Reverse Aging with PDO Threads

$200 – $1,200

PDO threads are made of a dissolvable material. They can be inserted under the skin to lift and tighten it. The threads stimulate the body’s natural collagen production, thus improving the skin’s elasticity and texture. PDO threads are inserted into the layers of skin via a cannula. The cannula is then removed, and the tissue is engaged onto the barbs of the thread, thereby resuspending the underlying fat pads and providing a noticeable overall lift to the treatment area.

The number of threads required may vary depending on the severity of skin laxity and the area being treated. For example, a patient with mild to moderate sagging in the face may require 4 to 8 threads, while a patient with severe sagging may need up to 20 threads. PDO threads come in three types: mono, cog, and screw threads, each with specific uses for different treatments. This treatment is minimally invasive and effectively treats wrinkles, sagging skin, deep creases, folds, and uneven texture. The treatment results may last up to 6 months or a year.

Say goodbye to sagging skin. Book your appointment today.

PDO Threads – Anti Aging Treatment South Pasadena FL